Urban and Rural Planning

Urban and Rural Planning
PEOPLE > Faculty > Urban and Rural Planning > Content
Liu Yijie


Liu Yijie

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Sustainable city and transportation planning; Transportation and urban-rural social (spatial) development; Residential area planning and community development


Soft Science Research Project (General Project) of Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, 2018ZR0365, Research on Non-motorized Link Space of Rail Transit Stations Based on Time and Space, Concluded, Principal Researcher.

The Project of the Modern Design and Culture Research Center, MD17E012, Research on the Environmental Design of the Link Space Between the Urban Non-motorized System and Public Space – A Case Study of Chengdu, concluded, Principal Researcher.


Principle of Urban and Rural planning Ⅱ

Urban-rural Comprehensive Social Survey

Contact: liuyijie@swjtu.edu.cn